Sunday, May 29, 2016




 Impatience shunts one from patience or endurance which is slowly the keynote to success. Life is full of wants and sufferings; but being impatient who can get rid of them? Rather, a man of patience, sober and clam by nature meets his demands more rightly and quickly, or is able to tackle a difficult situation more efficiently than a man of impatient habits. Most of us are aware that behind every achievement there is a history of patience and perseverance. 

Impatience generally excites the mind at the sight of some impending dangers, difficulty, loss, wants etc.  A wise and competent man faces those unpleasant situations calmly; because he is well aware that the presence of impatience in the mind would increase the calamity actually touches him.

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Saturday, May 21, 2016



There are certainunruly feelings in of which temptation is the strongest one. It always tries to lead a man towards selfishness. When grown unmanageable it drags one’s mind from the original seat of virtue and leads one to move in wilderness ----- in the region of false, illegal or uncertain hopes. Temptation in a mind acts like a piece of iron near some powerful magnet. It aims and jumps on an object from which it cannot free itself.
Temptation alone is sufficient to destroy the moral excellence of man. It misleads an individual or a nation by making the individual or the nation mad to process the belongings of others. It is also responsible for many a catastrophe, devastation, blood-shed, disaster, humiliation and danger which at times claim a heavy tool of human life and property. It also threatens the very existence of many other species --- essential for maintaining nature’s balance.

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